Sunday, July 18, 2010

Here is to a low-key Online Book Club with friends

After much thought, I decieded to start a very, very low-key online book club. There are many aspects to explore, such as choosing reading material, how we communicate, and price of books (hardback vs. paperbacks).

This is more of a therapeutic exercise for me, to continue my reading endeavors, keeping up
a blog and for the pure enjoyment of discussing with my friends.

There are no obligations for readers and I am no English teacher, with book reports due or
checking grammar.

Just stop by to enjoy, and please feel free to comment anytime.
I will announce the book for August, Friday July 23rd.

Thanks all and have a wonderful Sunday.


  1. Sounds fun, Laura! Looking forward to seeing which book, and also to seeing how much time I have for reading! : ) hugs, Elizabeth

  2. Hi Elizabeth!!! Great to see you here. You are a very busy gal,, which I LOVE! So fingers crossed that you will find a tiny bit of time to read and talk to us!
    Hugs to you sweetie!
